
4th September 2007.
Lotty starts big girl school. ( Primary )

13th July 2007.
Princess’s Lotty and Izzy, in their wedding outfits for Chriss and Pete’s Wedding day :)

27th May 2006.
Wow time goes quick when your busy having a family. We now have another addition, Izabelle (see pics), born 1st February 2006 :)

27th May 2006.
I've learnt some electronics and I'm doing my own conversion of 3D
Monster Maze onto a Pic Microcontroller including TV Signal generation. I
will also do more games for my system, in my little spare time. this is WIP at
the moment, just a few more things to do on it before it's the complete game.
Preview of it in action

27th May 2006.
High End Game Engine for Next Gen, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to say which game it is, or what platform.

27th May 2006.
New update for the site, I'm gonna try and keep it up-to-date, blog style.